PALM BAY, FLORIDA – At 3:18 a.m., officers with the Palm Bay Police Department responded to 1900 block of Snapdragon Drive NW for a report of a suspicious vehicle. This area is located in the gated community of Parkside West near Malabar Road and St. Johns Heritage Parkway. Officers located the vehicle which was described as a black Kia SUV and conducted a traffic stop on it. As officers were making the approach, the vehicle fled towards the gate in the community. Officers were positioned at the gate which prevented the suspect from getting out. The suspect was confronted again, ultimately fleeing on foot, jumping over the gate and running towards Malabar Road. Officers chased after the suspect and attempted to subdue him with a Taser. The suspect fell to the ground and pulled a gun from his pocket. He fired several shots at the officers with the officers firing back. The suspect then ran into the woods. None of the officers were struck or injured during the altercation.
Multiple agencies responded to assist including Brevard County Sherriff’s SWAT, Melbourne SWAT, West Melbourne SWAT, Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Special Operations Group, and Osceola Aviation Unit. Through all these agencies’ coordination, the suspect was located in the wooded area he was last seen running into. The suspect was not harmed during the incident. The suspect has been identified as Joseph Martin Martinez. As of now, Martinez is being charged with violation of probation for a previous armed carjacking case. Charges for today’s incident are forthcoming. All officers involved are being placed on administrative leave with pay until the conclusion of the investigation.
Following the capture and arrest of Martinez, Chief Moya made the following statement: “I am grateful for the men and women that came to our assistance today from the various law enforcement organizations. The successful capture of this suspect is due to their resilience and their true professionalism. I thank the affected residents in the vicinity of this incident for their patience and for showing us their unyielding support. Our police officers and deputies selflessly serve our communities well and any attack on them is an attack on our community. We look forward to the successful prosecution of this violent suspect.”
Investigators are not looking for anyone else involved. As charges are brought forth and new information is developed, an update will be given.