Scholarship Opportunities
The Brevard Federated Republican Women organization is currently offering scholarship opportunities to graduating seniors or young people In college or trade school up to age 21.
Here are the requirements:
1. High School Level Grades, Class Rank and High School Graduation Date.
2. SAT/ACT Test Results (Not needed for Trade School Applicants)
3. High School Awards, Honors and Activities.
4. If Dual Enrolled at Eastern Florida State College (EFSC), grades are to be submitted in a sealed envelope, degree seeking and expected graduation date.
5. List of Community Service and/or Employment.
6. Three (3) recommendation letters (From an educator, church/synagogue associate, an employer and/or a volunteer organization associate).
7. Copy of letter from the college to which applicant has been accepted.
8. Copy of voter registration card.
9. One page Essay signed and dated, to include college course interests or trade school interests. Also, your future goals and plans to be a productive citizen on behalf of the Country.
The deadline to apply is 5pm, Friday, April 28, 2023.
Interested applicants can apply using the following website: